Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Week 9, Thing 23: Summary

I have really enjoyed participating in 23 Things and have learned a lot about web2.0. 23 Things has reminded me how true it is that you learn by doing. You had to actually had to do the activites yourself. In a workshop, (even in a good hands-on workshop) if you get stuck, there is just not time to figure it out or stop for help, so you end up faking it or just watching others. Reading and learning about a topic is just not the same as putting it to use. There is that sense of accomplishment when you figure out how to do something that you've struggled with for a while. It was fun talking with other staff members about 23 Things and I feel an excitment about putting some of tools to work for our library. This was a great way to learn. I would definitely like to participate in another similar program.


MaryKM said...

Sorry to catch up with you so late in the game ... you are all done and I am just starting ... does this surprise anyone who knows us both :) ... you keep a very orderly blog!! As I would expect. :) mkm
PS Hope you had a happy b-day.

James said...

congratulations on completing your 23 things!!!