Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Week 6, Thing 14: Technorati

There were many more results for Learnging 2.0 when searching blogposts than blog tags or the blog directory (of course). The results were about the same in blog tags and blog directory - do they use the tags to create the directory? I liked searching by blog tag the best. It's a great way to find blogs about your hobbies. I liked looking at the top 100 most popular blogs. When you read a blog it often seems like you are coming in on the middle of a conversation and it doesn't quite make sense.

1 comment:

James said...

you are coming in on the middle of a conversation, but if you visit for a consecutive day or two, you pick up pretty quick. the dangerous part is when you find one you really like and it consumes you. you want to know and contribute to the ongoing conversation.