Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Week 8, Thing 18: Online Productivity Tools

I opened my Google Doc account and found 2 documents already there. They were Word attachments that were sent to me in my gmail. Maybe I opened them in Google Doc? Other word attachments were not there. I have seen this other Google stuff in my gmail account but have not paid much attention to it. I'm glad to know more about it. I think I will start using the Google Calendar. I never really wanted to use the Microsoft Office Calendar because I couldn't get to it from home, but I can get to this Google one at home or work. (Do I still need my paper planner/calendar for when I'm other places? I think so.) I wonder why the list of productivity tools didn't include OpenOffice. Or is OpenOffice just a name for all these web based tools? If you know, let me know. I also wonder if college kids can use these tools in college rather than buying Office for their laptop. Would the professors have trouble opening the docs? Would there be any complications? This has been fun. I wrote this post in Google Doc and posted it to my blog.

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